Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Libertarians, and even IRS agents will agree with the...
Draft Proposal Amendment
Preamble: To protect Citizens from government overreach and misrepresentation due to the un-Constitutional creation of the House of Representatives and Senate Rules process. Transparency is long overdue so that Citizens have the ultimate oversight of all branches of Government. It is time for a “Common Sense Amendment- One Bill, One Law”.
The current procedures allow for un-Constitutional committees and rules that exclude, elected Congressmen and Senators, states, and Citizens from representation.
These rules exclude transparency by un-Constitutional private meetings. All Citizens have the right to view these meetings as these meetings are public property; these meetings must be disbanded or not allowed, except for National Security.
The current rules allow for omnibus laws that in their essence is bribery, favors, and Qui-Pro-Quo between Congressional members and third-party non-elected special interest groups. The current omnibus procedures create unethical, costly, and unnecessary expenses to Citizens.
Furthermore, no single person, groups, or political parties, own the Federal Government, it is the property of the Citizens.
So that all states and all elected House of Representatives have equal opportunity to present Bills the following Amendment will be adopted.
One Bill, One Law; all laws presented shall be in its completed form with no exceptions. It will forever be forbidden that a law will be passed that needs further definition, of additional rules and regulations.
All Bills having 10 Congressional sponsors, or 10 State Legislature sponsors will be brought to the floor for vote on the order they are received.
All Bills will be presented for debate in which all congressmen will have equal time, if amendments are offered, they must be adapted by 2/3 vote.
After debate and/or amended, it will automatically go for an up or down vote.
If passed the Bill automatically proceeds to the Senate for debate in which all Senators will have equal time, if amendments are offered, they must be adapted by 2/3 vote. If the Bill is not passed it is dead and cannot be presented again until the next annual session.
After debate and/or amended, it will automatically go for an up or down vote.
If the Bill is not amended it goes to an up or down vote if approved the Bill is passed.
If the Bill is amended by the Senate, the Bill goes back to the House for an up or down vote. If Bill is rejected it is dead and cannot be presented again until the next annual session.
If the Bill is passed it goes to the President for signing.
Upon passing the Federal government the Bill goes to the states and has 30 days for simple majority ratification. If any states abstain a simple majority of the remaining states will be needed to pass. If a tie is reached, the President of the United States will break the tie.
In the case of a National Emergency Bill, the Bill will be prioritized by House with a floor vote for immediate consideration.
NOW TAX – Broad Base Sales/Transaction Amendment
To repeal and replace the 16th Amendment
TERM LIMITS – 2 – 6 Year Senators, 2 – 4 Year Representative
Executive Positions – 10 years per position, 20 years total
Non-Executive Employees – 20 years total
Private sector employment conflict of interest restriction - 2 years
No government elected official or employee will be allowed to be employed or consult with any industry where there is the appearance of a conflict of interest
Upon termination or resignation of an elected official or employee, they will not be allowed to be employed or contracted with any industry where there is the appearance of a conflict of interest
BALANCED BUDGET Amendment – Federal Budget to be restricted to $5 Tillion or 5% of the Total Economy of Sales, Services, and Transactions. (TBD based on TESST).